For those basic agricultural products, equivalent measurements of market price support shall be made using the applied administered price and the quantity of production eligible to receive that price or, where this is not practicable, on budgetary outlays used to maintain the producer price. 对于这些基本农产品、应使用适用的管理价格和有资格接受该价格的产量计算市场价格支持等值,在不可行的情况下,应使用维持生产者价格的预算支出计算。
The advertising charges of other advertising agents and publishers shall be administered according to the procedures formulated by the competent authorities of pricing price departments and administrative departments for Industry and commerce at provincial level. 其它广告经营者、广告发布者的广告服务收费管理的分工权限,按照省级价格主管部门会同同级工商行政管理部门规定的办法执行。
Administered price theory The missile is guided by remoter control. 操纵价格论,受控价格论导弹受遥控装置的控制。